Our trip to Elna

On March 26th, the students of 4th ESO in France have carried out a culminating interdisciplinary project that worked this year: the Motherhood of Elna, in the south of France.


We had a luxury guide, a writer and historian called Assumpta Montella , who has revealed the mysteries of the castle Bardou in which a collaborator of the Swiss Red Cross, Elizabeth Eidenbenz , adapted in order to take care of the mothers of Argelers field to ensure the birth of 597 babies who otherwise would not have survived.



Having discovered this place, full of life and hope among wars and death, we made a small tribute to the beach of Argelès that became a refugee camp of the Spanish people. We read excerpts from testimonies and we ended up with a silence facing the sea, in recognition of all of them.


Finally we went to the town of Colliure where the famous Spanish poet Antonio Machado died . There we could visit his tomb and read some of his poems .


This is how we have learned some of our history, of our grandparents and great-grandparents , and that is how we have understood that, in the middle of suffering, struggle and darkness there is always hope and life.